Tuesday, April 15, 2014

CVC Day 3 -- Climb Every Mountain

Earlier this week, the Passover Seder came and went and I did not get to participate because of the tour (but I am keeping Passover, Dad!). But lest you worry that I didn't get to experience the Exodus, let me tell you, I got it covered. Less than an hour ago, our tour bus got stuck in the snow about a mile and a half from our hotel. We evacuated the bus and started walking. Yes it was still snowing.

In the spirit of Passover, we needed God's help on this journey and lo and behold a member of the hotel staff picked me up and drove us the rest of the way. In what became the next miracle of the night, Lyndon State had given me a t-shirt that happened to be in my bag that I grabbed during the evacuation. So while I don't have my luggage, I do have my computer, a clean t-shirt, and a warm place to be.

Honestly, I want to try to update the blog about the four schools that we saw today, but I might need a little time to come down from this commotion.