Monday, May 24, 2010

From Locke to Loch Ness, All You Need is Love

Last night marked both the end of the Senior Trip and the Series Finale of LOST - two journeys that took a lot out of me. In the end though, my comments about each are sort of similar. Good people, ups and downs (and sometimes upside down loops), a beach, and complete and total exhaustion lead to some pretty good times. On LOST we watched a bunch of strangers from different walks of life come together and build meaningful relationships with one another. I know the meaning of the show is up for debate, but from where I sit right now it seems that the message centers around life's central themes of love, companionship, loyalty, and patience. At ElRo I saw the same thing this weekend, with students from all different social groups come together to enjoy one and others company and the Virginia Beach sun.

Both the trip and the show remind us: you have to come together before you can let go. Here is to the Class of 2010!

Image (ABC Mario Perez)