Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mock SAT This Saturday

vintage phone

As promised, below is the information from the phone call that just went out to 10th and 11th grade parents. The Mock SAT will be from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm:

"I’m calling to remind you that this Saturday, January 8th, we are offering a $5 Mock SAT at ElRo for 10th and 11th grade students. This exam  is not required, but is being offered as a way for students to gain more exposure to the SAT, particularly after getting their PSAT scores back last month. To register, go to www.revolutionprep.com. The fastest way to sign up from there is to enter our zip code, 10021, then click the tab labeled ‘Practice Exams’ . Then click ‘Enroll Now’ and follow the instructions to pay online. The $5 fee acts as a fundraiser for ElRo. Students that take this practice exam are not required to register for a full Revolution Prep class and scores on the practice test do not count toward anything. If this weekend is not convenient, or students are not yet ready to start preparing for standardized tests, that is no problem. Virtually every test prep company offers free or low cost diagnostic exams and families are free to choose the prep option that is best for them. Again the site for registration is www.revolutionprep.com. Students must pre- register by no later than Thursday in order for enough exams to ordered. This message will also be posted on the ElRo College Counseling Blog. Thank you."
