I'm happy to share that the 2013 PSAT results are in! Yesterday, all 11th grade students got their scores back along with their testing booklet. Tomorrow (Friday) the 10th grade students will be getting their scores back in English class. If you are a parent or guardian of a 10th or 11th grade student and your child did not show you their score report, use Saturday as a day to go over this paperwork together.
What are the basics to know about the PSAT?
-- The PSAT is just for practice. Colleges cannot see PSAT scores. The only thing the PSAT even remotely counts for is the National Merit Scholarship Competition, a relatively small scholarship that is very prestigious but not particularly generous. Each year, ElRo typically has one to three NM finalists, but by and large the PSAT is more for practice than it is for this scholarship.
-- The PSAT is out of 240 points. If you add a 0 to the end of your score, you get the converted equivalent SAT score. Each section is out of 80 and corresponds to the 800 point section on the real SAT.
-- The scores are normed. Very few people get a low low score and very few people get a high high score. The national average is about a 150 - meaning half of the country gets above 150 and half gets below 150.
-- You are encouraged to compare your PSAT score to a practice ACT (which you can take via virtually any test prep company for free, even if you missed your chance at signing up for the practice ACT here at ElRo this Saturday). By comparing your natural ability on the ACT and SAT, you can determine which exam you should take in the spring of your junior year.
-- Once you decide the test you are taking (recommended to make this decision by the last week in December), you must register for the exams via either www.actstudent.org or www.collegeboard.com. The test registration is just like buying an online ticket to a concert - there are limited seats at every venue, if you have a preference for the site you want, you should register as soon as possible.
-- If you are qualify for free/reduced lunch, you should see me for a fee waiver. You can take the test two times for free.
-- If you are a junior and want to take a group SAT prep class, Kaplan will be offering two classes in our building in preparation for the March SAT. To register for the Kaplan class go to: http://kaplanatschool.com/eleanorrooseveltny
If you need a scholarship to be able to pay for the Kaplan class, contact Robin Kaufman at robin.kaufman@kaplan.com