Sorry for the lack of recent posts! May is a very busy time with AP exams, but I'm happy to report that the AP testing season is complete for 2013. As the year winds down, the college process doesn't. Now is the time that all juniors should be planning their college campus visits. Between now and the fall of senior year is a prime time to spend your weekends and days off of school to take campus tours and get a feel for the type of environment that you are looking for. Don't put off these trips, as the fall of senior year is a very busy time! A frequent concern is that summer is a bad time to visit colleges because there are not as many students on campus. It is true that this a downside, but visiting when the campus is a little quieter is still better than not visiting at all. You will always be able to make a second visit after you are admitted if you feel that you need to see the campus at full capacity before you can make a deposit. Plus, the bones the campus are going to be the same regardless of if there are tons of students milling about or only a few people on campus doing research. There is also the upside in that you can visit during a time when your schoolwork load is either small or nonexistent. Being able to see a campus with a clear head might be more valuable than seeing it when fall or spring classes are in session.